Click the yellow buy now button to process registration through paypal. Make sure your purchases matches the Kranz Band Registration Form. Especially if you selected fun shirts, hoodies, or a new tuxedo shirt that are optional and not included in the registration.
7th Grade Honors Band Girl Registration $90
Includes Gator Band Polo, dress professional hemmed, Solo&Ensemble Accompanist/Judges/Awards, music festival, band parties, and food
7th Grade Symphonic Registration $95
Includes Gator Band Polo, tux shirt, Solo&Ensemble Accompanist and judges, music festival, band parties/food
7th & 8th Grade Beginner Registration $25
Gator Band Shirt
7th grade Honors Band Boy Registration $95
Includes Gator Band Polo, tux shirt, Solo&Ensemble Accompanist/Judges/Awards, music festival, band parties, and food
7th Grade Concert Band Registration $75
Includes Gator Band Polo, Solo&Ensemble Accompanist and judges, music festival, band parties, and food.
Optional: 8th Graders Needing a New Tuxedo Shirt $20
8th Grade Honors Band Girl $50
Includes Dress professional hemmed, Solo&Ensemble Accompanist/Judges/Medal
8th Grade Registration Form $35
This product is not for girls in the honors band. This includes Solo&Ensemble Accompanist/Judges/Medal.
Optional: Gator Band Fun Shirt (Mandatory For Six Flags) $20
Optional: Gator Band Hoodie $35